I just finished watching a korean drama series- It’s OKAY to NOT be OKAY. It has thought me lots of life lessons. Every episode made my cry and helped me reflect on myself. Every character bear a life changing lessons. You should watch it too.
Mental and emotional health is very important.
Each and everyone of us is suffering from different pain and traumas. There are things that might look easy for others, but not for you. People tend to easily judge us based on what their eyes can see. We are all humans after all. We cannot always be positive, we cannot always be the best version of ourselves, we cannot always be happy. It is okay to be weak, to cry, to stop and be selfish. We are all going through hardships but it is really on how we perceived and accept things. Most importantly, AWARENESS.
Acceptance is not always the KEY. We just need to be aware so we can accept. How could we think of the best solution if we are not really aware of what is the problem and our situation is. I am not sure if you are getting my point or if what I am writing really make sense…. What I am thinking is that being aware and acknowledging how we feel is such a big first step into achieving whatever we wanted to achieve, be it healing, be it moving on, be it our dream. Once we are aware of the situation or the feelings we have we can easily take action on how we are going to solve and get pass through it.
Hope this help you to slow down and not be hard on yourself. You are trying to survive on your own little ways and that’s a BIG thing you should be proud of.